East Texas Vintage Postcard Collection
Early view of the business district in Longview |
Picture postcards represent yet another media, in addition to text, stories and photographs, that enables us to visualize, and remember, the past.
Knowing the value that such cards possess in documenting the past of East Texas, we have assembled a collection of historic, vintage postcards, and present them on this website.
From larger cities such as Tyler and Longview, to smaller communities such as Atlanta, Jefferson, Rusk and Gun Barrel City, East Texas has an extensive historical past.
This section attempts to build a collection depicting the architecture of East Texas during the first 50-60 years of the 20th Century. Shown are a variety of historic picture postcards from cities and towns such as Longview, Marshall, Jacksonville, Grand Saline, Mount Pleasant and others.
It is hoped that its availability will provide another media contributing to the enjoyment and edification of those of you with East Texas connections.
Earlier Views of Marshall in the Vintage Postcard Collection
Earlier Aerial View of Marshall, Texas
Street Scene, Marshall, early 20th Century
City Hall,
Marshall, Texas
Marshall Baptist College
College of Marshall, Texas
Post Office, Marshall, Texas
Wiley College, Marshall, Texas
Harrison County Court House
Bath House Marshall Country Club
Bel-Air Motel,
Henderson Motel, Pinecrest Drive East
The Gables Cafe
The Gables Restaurant
Marshall Court
T&P Railroad Hospital
Burnett Motel, 33 Units, 14 Garages
Early Views of Paris in the Texas Vintage Postcard Collection
City Hall & Central Fire Station
Sanitarium of Paris
First Methodist Church
High School, Paris, Texas
Downtown and Fountain View
Paris Union Station
Paris Public Library
Episcopal Church
Paris Junior College
Magrave's Drugs
Scott Residence in Paris
U.S. Post Office
Historic Images of Longview Texas
High School, Longview, Texas
Texas & Pacific (T&P) - I. & G.N. Railroad Depot
Dun Roamin Ranch Motel, Longview - Overview
Dun Roamin Ranch Motel - Pool
Voyager Motel, Longview, Texas
Lone Star Motel on Highway 80, Longview
Broadway Terrace Motel, Longview, Texas
New Post Office & Hilton Hotel, Longview
First Presbyterian Church, Longview, Texas
First Christian Church, Longview, Texas
East Texas Chamber of Commerce, Longview
Beautiful Home of F. Stuckey, Longview
Booth's Tourist Court, Longview, Texas, on U.S. 80
"Center of Largest Oil Field in the World"
90 modern cottages - free radio - fans & garage - reasonable rates - second guest free

Historic Postcards from Henderson Texas
Circle Restaurant and Drive-In, Henderson
Traffic circle in Henderson Texas
Woodlawn Hills Court in Henderson
Hotel Randolph, Henderson, Texas
Historic Postcards from Tyler, Texas
Aerial view of downtown Tyler
Automatic Gas Company  |
Historic Images of Beaumont, Texas
Earlier Aerial View of Marshall, Texas
Jefferson Courts on
Highways 69, 96, 105 and 287
Beaumont Courts
3 Miles west of the city on US 90
Aerial view
of downtown Beaumont
Lamar College
Pearl Street in Downtown Beaumont
Hotel Beaumont
New Castle Mo-Tel
Ocean Going Steamers in Port  |
Circle Courts on U.S. 90
Vintage Postcards from Palestine
Railroad Depot
YMCA in Palestine
Tex Ann Motel Palestine, Texas
Garrett Motor Company, downtown Palestine, Texas
I. and G.N. General Office
I. & G. N. Railway Employees Hospital
Vintage Views of Texarkana in Historic Postcards
Camp Hannon
The Coffee Cup  |
Hotel Grim
Beech Street Baptist Church  |
Dun Sailin' Motel
Cotton Belt Hospital  |
Broad Street, Looking East, Texarkana, Texas
Stop Again Service, Highway 67, Texarkana  |
Bell's Tourist Camp, Texarkana, Texas
Historic Images and Vintage Postcards of Jacksonville Texas
Vintage postcard of the Air-Conditioned Liberty Hotel, Jacksonville, Texas

East Commerce Street, Jacksonville
Starkey Motel, Jacksonville
Jacksonville High School, Jacksonville, Texas
United States Post Office, Jacksonville
Vintage Images of Lufkin
Lufkin Foundry & Machine Company
U. S. Post Office in Lufkin
Historic postcard of Lufkin Senior High School
Historic postcard of the Dun Wandrin Motel in Lufkin
Mineola Vintage Postcards
Historical Postcard - Sunrise Courts, 517 E. Broad Street, Mineola, Texas
East Side of Town on U.S. Highway 80

Chris' Steak House in Mineola
Ray's Motel in Mineola  |
Historic Postcards from Mount Pleasant Texas
The Alps Cafe in Mount Pleasant
Hillcrest Motel in Mount Pleasant  |
Vintage Postcards from Orange, Texas
Grande Courts, Hi-way 90, Orange, Texas
MacArthur Hotel Courts & Tower Cafe  |
Vintage Views of Gladewater in Historic Postcards
Motel Glade in Gladewater, Texas
Hall Lumber and Material in Gladewater  |
Gladewater Tourist Court, Junction US 80 & State Highway 31, South Side of Gladewater, Texas