We love watching hummingbirds, and East Texas is a great place for that pastime!
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The hummingbird population at the end of the Texas migration in September of 2023 was awesome, as the hummers made their southbound migration towards South Texas and onward to Central America.
The hummingbird family is very large, with over 330 species and 115 genera, mostly south of the United States. Hummingbirds are found only in the Western Hemisphere, with almost half the species living in the "equatorial belt" between 10 degrees north and south of the equator. Fewer than two dozen species venture into the U.S. and Canada, and only a few species remain year-round.
The Ruby-Throat Hummingbird is the only species regularly seen in East Texas. Just to the west, in areas like Dallas and Austin, Black-Chinned and Rufous hummingbirds are common. In extrreme southern Texas and the Southwestern United States, all species may be found from time to time.
In the Western United States, one will often find Anna’s, Black-Chinned, Calliope, Broad-Tailed, Allen’s, White-Eared, and Rufous hummingbirds.
The Ruby-Throat is about 3 3/4" in length, and metallic green above. Its notes are a rapid, high-pitched squeaky, chipping sound.
The adult male has a brilliant ruby red throat (gorget), black chin, and deeply notched, forked tail. The female's throat is white, and immatures are similar in color to the female. The female body is slender, with a blunt, rounded tail with white corners. The female Ruby-Throat and Black-Chinned are very similar, but have separate ranges.
We often have over 40 Ruby-Throat hummingbirds on our feeders at one time. And a rare Rufous Hummingbird for this area of Texas. At times we are also blessed with several brightly colored Baltimore Orioles on our feeders.
We grow lots of hummingbird and butterfly-friendly plants, annuals and perennials such as Butterfly Bush, Marigolds, Zinnias, Goldflame Honeysuckle, Passion Vine, Cross Vine, Weigla, Mexican Firebush, Batface Cuphea, Lipstick Salvia, Hot Lips, and more.
Some of our feeders we put at eye-level, nestled in the flowers. If you don't have pets, or a problem with racoons, this can enhance your hummingbird viewing, and it puts the feeder more in a natural environment for the birds.
We also have an abundance of trees nearby which provide shelter and protection for the hummingbirds.
For hummingbird species, photos, videos, migration patterns, hummingbird gardening, and more, |
Shown here are our original photos of some recent sightings ... for more photos, visit our new website at www.HummingbirdCentral.com ... a central gathering place for hummingbird enthusiasts!
Young, male Ruby-Throat Hummingbird near Tyler Texas
Adult, male Ruby-Throat Hummingbird enjoying a sweet sip of nectar
It gets crowded at the feeders in East Texas during the fall, southward migration!
Young male Ruby-Throat Hummingbird working the California Giant Zinnias in East Texas
Hummingbird hovering near a feeder in East Texas
When it rains, we just fluff up and deal with the weather!
Texas hummingbird garden with low-hanging feeders
A good solution if you have no pets, or racoons! Put the feeders at eye-level
for the enjoyment of the hummingbirds, and you!
East Texas Nature & OutdoorsEast Texas Birds |
Hummingbird Central ![]() |
Butterflies At Home ![]() |